Our Future Selves, 2019


Brass, steel sheets, custom electronics, ToF sensors, LEDs
90 x 549 x 300 cm

Our Future Selves, 2019 by RANDOM INTERNATIONAL
Our Future Selves, 2019 by RANDOM INTERNATIONAL

Our Future Selves presents viewers with their full-length reflection, three-dimensionally distributed as points of light. While the illuminated image is heavily reduced in resolution, it retains the crucial details that engender instinctual recognition. The latest and largest iteration in this series of works, Our Future Selves is embedded within its own spatial environment. The installation forms a passageway which onlookers are invited to enter, meeting their own reflection at the end of the corridor before walking on past it. This encounter with the self-image is familiar yet ethereal; the identity of the illuminated figure remains unknowable and ambiguous. Viewers are invited to explore this realm, and how it can relate to their own physical presence and patterns of movement. Capable of being both intense and fleeting, Our Future Selves can generate a unique relationship with the self-image; it is neither the live reflection of a mirror nor the static image of a photograph fixed in past time, but rather occupying an uncertain place somewhere in between.

Exhibited as part of the solo show Physical Algorithm at Paradise City Art Space, Seoul, South Korea, 2019

Exhibited as part of the solo show Physical Algorithm at Paradise City Art Space, Seoul, South Korea, 2019